Have a look at the latest post in our Scottish Express Blog. We offer handy tips for whats great to see in the local area and some of the adventures that have been key into shaping our business
- New Destinations (31)
- The business story (39)
Kahurangi 500 -Bike packing – Gearing up for Gearing down
As you can probably guess… we love bikes, and we love bikes for a multitude of reasons, first and foremost are the many freedoms that a bike can give you. They’re small and very strong so you get a lot more freedom in terms of where you can take them both on road and off!!…
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Mole Tops, Tutaki Conservation area, 3 day Winter Trip
We’re always looking for an opportunity around this time of the year to head up into the Alpine and into the white powder. For this trip the Mole tops weren’t on our radar to start with, we were planning to head further up the Matakitaki valley and to try to get to the Summit of…
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3 day Paparoa and Pike 29
We’re always looking not only at new adventure destinations but also new ways of doing adventures to cut down the faff of logistics which is usually accompanied by a higher environmental footprint for your journey. Having never biked in the Paparoa National Park we decided it would be a great adventure to see as much…
A different approach….Mount Owen via the lookout Range
Nelson, New Zealand is locationally blessed with three National parks and one forest Park on our doorstep as well as a raft of smaller reserves. Some destinations are easy to find such as the Abel Tasman Coastal track and the Heaphy track…. but there’s some equally good if not better adventure destinations when you scratch…
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The Kaituna Track, Northwest Nelson
This track doesn’t come across people Radar that often, I’m not quite sure the reason why, but it could be that it’s a very long day hike or nor quite long enough for an overnight hike. So usually it blips on the radar then is often forgotten about. Last time I walked this track was…
Adventures slightly off the Beaten Trail- Mount Stevens
We’re always on the scope for New Adventure destinations to share with people, but some we already know intimately. Mount Steven’s track you may have passed many times on the way to the Heaphy Track, there is a tiny little carpark at the bottom of the track in a stunted manuka forest that really doesn’t…
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