The main thing as that we are adventurers too, so we we ooze with passion for what we do!!! We started the business just prior to the outbreak of the Pandemic and we saw an opportunity to create a service for adventurers by adventurers…. It was getting pretty hard to get to some of the the less frequented but amazing adventure locations in the top of the South for New Zealand Adventurers, so we had a think about this and decided on a small model that works in with adventurers to enable them top get to these places with an affordable and flexible service.
Our per person monthly specials are the key to being able to offer lower custom transport prices to smaller adventuring parties, 9 times out of ten we can offer off spare seats on custom transport as a monthly special. Thats great… it means cheaper custom transport for adventurers… per seat prices on monthly specials to interesting locations… and the number one for us at Scottish Express… we lower the enviromental footprint of our journeys by running at capacity.
Does It work??…. see what our customers have to say….

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